Newscore Media LLC
Privacy Policy
Last updated on 5 Feb 2025
Newscore Media LLC are extremely protective over your privacy and confidentiality. We understand that all users of our site are quite rightly concerned to know that their data will not be used for any purpose not permitted by them, and will not illegally fall into the hands of a third party.
This Privacy Policy sets out the data processing practices carried out by us in relation to the information that we hold relating to you.
Newscore Media LLC complies with the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act and is also registered with the UK ICO under Registration Number ZA762091. Our registered office is 8 The Green #5786, Dover DE 19901 USA and our company is incorporated in the USA.
Newscore Media LLC has appointed The Preference Centre Ltd as our Data Protection Officer whose ICO Registration Number is ZA761923 and they can be contacted via their website or by sending an email to or by telephone on 0161 513 2343.
If you wish to find out more about the Data Protection Act 2018 and your rights then please visit
Our policy is both specific and strict. If you think our policy falls short of your expectations or that we are failing to abide by our policy, please let us know. In extreme cases data provided by you may be unlawfully available to hackers and snoopers, unfortunately we are unable to accept responsibility for this. The risk is no different from a similar risk of burglary, in a bricks and mortar establishment you can lock the doors but they may still find a way in. Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any personally identifiable information collected on this site or any other site operated by Newscore Media LLC. If this policy should change in the future, then we will provide notification in advance and users have the opportunity to indicate whether or not they would prefer that we do not provide the information to third parties as proposed.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We update this Privacy Policy from time to time and you should return to update yourself of any changes. If we make a major change to how we process your data, or why, we will notify you directly.
If you have questions regarding this privacy policy or your personal data then please contact The Data Protection Officer at Newscore Media LLC and they can be contacted via their website or by sending an email to The Preference Centre Ltd at or by calling 0161 513 2343 during business hours.